Wednesday 19 October 2011

Evaluation Of Magazine

How closely did you stick to your planning? What were the challenges in doing this?

I stuck to my plan quite well as I drew out how I wanted my magazine to look and what I wanted
in it then when I came to start making my magazine I went back and looked at it. The challenges in trying to stick to my plan were trying to actually do the same sort of design on photoshop as it was much harder to try and do it on Photoshop.

Did you find the planning helpful? Why?

I didn't really find the planning helpful because I planned it out quite detailed on paper, then when it came to making it on the Macs I found it really difficult trying to design it like the way I drew it out.

How did you find the process of finding and cropping your original image?

Finding and cropping the image I found okay as I know how to get an image and put it on Photoshop and also know how to crop and make the image bigger.

How easy was it to manipulate your image using Photoshop?

I found it quite hard to change my image on Photoshop because I didn't know how to do it and it was confusing to do.

What have you learnt from the process about creating covers and contents

I have learnt that it's quite difficult to use Photoshop but also you can do many things to make your magazine look good.

What would you do differently next time?

If I could do it again I would make quite a few changes such as taking some more photos then doing a better collage of them in the middle. Also I would spend less time on the front cover so I could have a decent amount of time making my contents page as well.

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