Thursday 8 December 2011

Film Intro

For our coursework we all had to decide whether to do a magazine cover or film intro. I decided to do a film and pair up with Ella Goodliffe. We had a double lesson where we sat down and talked about ideas for our film intro, we finally decided after lots of planning to do a scary,action film. After deciding the genre for the film we went onto '' and looked through lots of example films to try and get some more ideas to make our films. We were going to do an animated film but found out it would be too hard to do so stuck with using real people instead.

The shot types we are planning to do are medium long shots,close up shots,birds eye view and zoomed out shots. We decided to do these different shots to make our film more interesting. Using a range of different shots will add more suspense to our film.

While researching different films I watched lots of examples of film openings. Most of them were animated and some were good whereas others were not as detailed.


Both these film intro's are good even though one is animated whereas the other one uses real people. Both these film openings relate to ours as they are to do with horror.

We will use music in our film throughout it and when there are tense moments then we'll change the music a bit. Along with the music, we will use sound effects for certain moments in our film intro. For tense moments, we will build up the moment to it using the music.

In our film we're having one main character which is going to be me and use someone else to be the person chasing them. The setting we are going to make our film in will be in someones bedroom to start off the film and then in an abandoned place where no one will be, for the second half of it.

For audience research we are going to show our film and then hand out a questionnaire to people to answer and give their opinions on what they thought of our film.

The music we're going to use in each scene will be different. In the bedroom we will use up to date chart music that the character is playing whilst she gets ready for bed then as soon as she gets into bed the music will stay on and the opening credits will come across the screen. The music will change when the credits have been on and it will go into the dream where we'll use sound affects then use another song when she starts to get chased.

We are going to try and use all the different types of shots to make our video look better, the close up shots will be used for when she's in bed and for emotion on people's faces. The long distance shots will be used when there is a action scene and the character is running away for example. When she falls over at the end of our film then we have decided to use a birds eye view shot of her on the ground.

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