Tuesday 3 January 2012

Inspiration For Film:

When making our film the props we will need to use are different settings along with costumes.

Throughout the scenes, we are filming in 2 different places, a bedroom and a deserted lane surrounded by trees. We decided to film in a deserted lane rather than the woods to make it more interesting
First Scene: The first part of our film is going to be set in the characters bedroom where she gets ready for bed by putting her pyjamas on and taking her make up off whilst listening to music then she gets into bed where she dreams the first part of the story. The main props we are going to use in this scene is just a mirror and bed.

Second Scene: In the second scene it will be when the character enters the deserted lane in her dream and starts to walk through it. She will hear strange noises and start to panic whilst speeding up her walk.

Scene 3: The character then hears a noise and starts to run while a masked person appears from behind the tress and chases after the character down the deserted lane. Music will be added in to make the moment more tense.

Scene 4: As the girl is running away, she trips over a branch and falls on her face then can't get up, the masked person catches up and appears above her.

Scene 5: As she looks up in fear, the masked person appears above her... The scene then fades back into her bedroom where she wakes up screaming and crying from having the nightmare.

Scene 6: She realises that it was a dream so gets up to start another day as usual. However it's not like any other day, as the clothes she was wearing in her dream then becomes reality as that is what she puts on that day without realising.

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