Friday 16 March 2012

Initial Ideas

Before deciding on our final film, we had some initial ideas about other films we could make insted. We thought about the genre first and thought about doing an action film and also a chick flick before finally decding on our horror film.

Shots Of Locations

We used 2 different locations in our film which were the characters house, an alley way. In the house we filmed in her bedroom and bathroom. Whilst outside we filmed down an abandoned alley way to make it more scarier than just filming on a busy street. Also we filmed the outside road of where she lived.


The main audience for our film we are trying to attract is teenagers up to adults as it's a horror. The reason we are trying to attract this audience is because a lot of people watch horrors for the thrill of it even though they are scary to watch.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Film Names

We decided to name our final film intro 'The Stalker' as the film is about a girl being followed. We thought of a few other names as well that we could've called it before we finally decided on that name.

  • Look Behind You

  • Who's there?

  • You don't know who could be watching you!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Shot Types

We used a range of different camera shots whilst filming different parts of our film intro. For detail we used close up shots on different things and people. We used long distance shots at the end when she was running away. Also we used birds eye view shots when she's asleep in bed dreaming. The shots we used the most throughout filming were medium shots when filming outside and also over the shoulder shots whilst filming the back of the characters walking away from the camera. We used most shot types in our film.

Close Up Shot

Extreme Close Up Shot
Long Shot

Birds-Eye View Shot
2 Shot

Setting & Characters

The house we picked was just a normal looking detached house in a public place as the character we are using is just an ordinary teenage girl so we didn't want to use a scary house in the middle of nowhere as it would give away the story a bit too much and we wanted to build up suspense in the intro to get people thinking about what could happen next.

The 2 characters in our film just look like ordinary people as the stalker isn't dressed up in a scary outfit like in some films e.g Scream. The girl in the film wears green jeans,a cream top and a cardigan before she goes to sleep then when the dream happens, she's in leggins and a body warmer. She also wears pyjamas in the film aswell. Whereas the stalker wears green trousers, a black coat and brown boots.


When planning our own film we looked at other horror films. In our own film intro, we used a house in it where the character lives. This relates to other horror films such as 'The Grudge' as at the start of that film, the girls go into a house that is beleived to be haunted. Even though the house is different in 'The Grudge' as it is old and scary and the house we used was set in a nice place and not scary looking. The shots we done in the bathroom, we moved some things around such as putting the soap on the sink and also moved the bin from the bedroom into the bathroom so it was there when she put her make up wipe in the bin. Also we moved some things around in the bedroom we filmed in aswell.

What genre are you focusing on and how does this affect the opening?

Our genre for our film is a horror so we looked through other horror films to see how the intro's started in them and then wrote down ideas on how we could start ours off. The main film openings we looked at were... Scream,Scary Movie,Eden Lake,Se7en,Final Destination and a few others. Aswell as looking at scary film openings, we also looked at other films that wern't horrors just to see if their intro's differed from the genre we were doing and in what ways were they different. This affects the opening as we need to try and do a opening similar to another horror so it fits our genre and people will know it's a horror from the opening shots.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

First Film Draft

When filming our first draft, we came across a lot of problems such as shaking of the camera,lighting and different camera shots. The shaking of the camera was because we din't know how to use the tripod properly and we were holding the camera most of the time. The lighting wasn't very good as when we shut the curtains it made the room look pink. We tried to use a range of different shots but some didn't turn out how we wanted them too. To try and make our film better for our second re-filming, we decided to move rooms so the lighting would be much clearer than before. Also we found out how to use the tripod properly in the second shooting of our film so it made the camera less shaky and easier to use. Even though the camera and lighting was better, the room we filmed in was quite small which meant most the shots ended up being really close up. Also with some of our shots, they wern't filmed properly as the camera was in the wrong place and cut people's heads out by accident.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Inspiration For Film:

When making our film the props we will need to use are different settings along with costumes.

Throughout the scenes, we are filming in 2 different places, a bedroom and a deserted lane surrounded by trees. We decided to film in a deserted lane rather than the woods to make it more interesting
First Scene: The first part of our film is going to be set in the characters bedroom where she gets ready for bed by putting her pyjamas on and taking her make up off whilst listening to music then she gets into bed where she dreams the first part of the story. The main props we are going to use in this scene is just a mirror and bed.

Second Scene: In the second scene it will be when the character enters the deserted lane in her dream and starts to walk through it. She will hear strange noises and start to panic whilst speeding up her walk.

Scene 3: The character then hears a noise and starts to run while a masked person appears from behind the tress and chases after the character down the deserted lane. Music will be added in to make the moment more tense.

Scene 4: As the girl is running away, she trips over a branch and falls on her face then can't get up, the masked person catches up and appears above her.

Scene 5: As she looks up in fear, the masked person appears above her... The scene then fades back into her bedroom where she wakes up screaming and crying from having the nightmare.

Scene 6: She realises that it was a dream so gets up to start another day as usual. However it's not like any other day, as the clothes she was wearing in her dream then becomes reality as that is what she puts on that day without realising.