Wednesday 14 September 2011

I like how the photos are arranged on the left and how every other piece of writing is a different size font to the one before. Also I like how they've got the name of the college and logo on the contents as well.

I dont like how the word 'contents' is right above the name of the college because it looks to confusing to read, so I think they should put the word 'contents' underneath and in a different font.
I don't like this contents page because of the black background and white writing as it is quite hard to read it and the red writing underneath it is too small to read.

However I like how it just has one main photo and some cartoon pictures at the bottom and the layout is easy to read.

I don't like this contents page because the writing is too small to read and for a school magazine i thin there's too much in it as the contents page goes up to about 50. However I like how the picture has been drawn and the way 'contents' sits on top of the picture makes it more detailed.

I like this contents page, because it is laid out neatly and is spaced out so it's easy to read. I also like how it has a 'top story of the month' which is highlighted in a different colour which makes it stand out and makes it more likely for people to turn to that page first. The audience for this magazine is students and teachers at the school as its about everything happening at the school. The colour scheme they use is purple,black and white which go well together and doesn't make it clash.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

School Magazine:

I like this magazine because it has pictures on the front that are colourful that makes it stand out and also there is hardly any writing on it so you don't need to read a lot to find out what its about as the pictures explain it mostly.
WhatI don't really like about it, is that it has a plain, black backgroundand the title is quite boring as they have just putit in italics to try and make it look better.

I like this magazine as the title is a mixed colour and bold so it stands out really well, also it has a photo to cover the whole background of the cover and the 'R' in the word sport is being covered by a bit of the photo.
The things I don't like about this front cover is the writing is yellow and white so it is really hard to read it, especially from a distance.

I dont like this front cover because it looks like it was made in about 10 minutes and the background and writing is very plain and boring to look at.
Also the photo doesn't really look right on the front because it's just a photo of a girl.
I like how it says 'strictly for students' as you know what sort of audience it is aimed at and who should buy it.
This magazine is a school magazine but it's just about sports. I like it because it has one large picture and it stands out off the page and it only uses one colour writing (red) which makes it more professional.

School Magazines Research

Who Is The Audience? The audience is mainly adults who probably have children at school or who want to find out what's going on where they live. I can tell it's a adults magazine from the titles on the front cover which wouldn't appeal to children.

How Do They Appeal To Their Audience?It appeals to the audience as the photo is really big and stands out as it is directly in the middle of the front cover. Also it would appeal to different audiences as it has a variety of different stories in it.

What Types Of Stories Do They Cover? The stories they cover are schools,lifestyle and different charities. They also add in FREE offers to try and get you interested in reading/buying it. As the gift in this magazine is for John Lewis, it shows that the audience would be quite posh if they shop in John Lewis compared to if they shopped in ASDA. It looks like a private school from looking at the logo and the name of the school.

What Are Typical Names? The typical names are usually the names of the school that it's about. However on this magazine it's not the name of the school so it might not be a school magazine, and just a local magazine talking about the school as the main story. The name of the school is on the left underneath the title which also has the school logo above it as well.

Layout & Colour? The layout is neatly set out and the colours are green, white and grey so there's not too many colours that makes it over-crowded. Also the school logo and uniform is green as well which fits in with the colour scheme.

Who Is The Audience? The audience is for students in school and who probably like going to the library. I can tell this from the photo on the front cover and the sub-title as well.

How Do They Appeal To Their Audience? It would appeal as there is hardly any writing and a big colourful photo that stands out on the front.

What Types Of Stories Do They Cover? The main story it covers is the new library.

What Are Typical Names? The magazine is called Student Times and a lot of national newspapers are called 'times' as well. e.g The Sunday Times.

Layout & Colour? The layout is just a large photo,title and a very short sentence about what's in the magazine.
The colours are very basic as the photo is very colourful so they have just stuck to using 2 plain colours for the writing (blue & white)